
Tunjukkan catatan dari Mei, 2014

i have great day??? btul kah??? how are u now?? must be missing me..long time?? hehehe.. its uke.. im come back right now.. and that back to the title today.. sure i have great day..after somethink happen to crying so hard to accpt wht happen before that. now..this day.. 1. i have sported from my sister about my life now..i cant do anythink but she good to sharing averthink.. 2. i meet someone can be my new friends..his look good guy for me..but i cant wanna accpt someone to in falling with me.. 3. i have great interview day.. 2 people say somethink like give me get my live now..she 2 wommen i cant forgett..this interview is not give me tension after roll.. 4. im come mom not angry to me like before..n she talking to me again..n sharing about my sister.. it very good news for me..u wnt to know wht a good news ms.y??? my sister WILL GET AR BABY!!!!! YEAHHHH!!! n just 4 think good hppen today.. start tomorrow i wnna get up for find my employer.. mybe tomorrow go